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Ra'iisul wasaareyaashii soo maray Soomaaliya
C/llaahi Ciise Max'ud
Taariikh nololeedkii
ra'iisul wasaare
C/llaahi Ciise Max'ud
1 July 1956-14 July 1960
Taariikh nololeedkii
 ra'iisul wasaare
C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke
 12 July 1960-14 July 1964
C/risaaq Xaaji Xussein Xassan

Taariikh nololeedkii
ra'iisul wasaare
C/risaaq Xaaji Xussein Xassan
14 June 1964-15 July 1967

Max'ed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigaal
Taariikh nololeedkii
ra'iisul wasaare
Max'ed Ibrahim Cigaal
15 July 1967-21 Okt. 1969
Max'ed Cali Samatar
Taariikh nololeedkii
ra'iisul wasaare S/Guud
Max'ed Cali Samatar
1 Feb. 1987-3 Sep. 1990
Max'ed Xawaadle Madar
Taariikh nololeedkii
ra'iisul wasaare
Max'ed Xawaadle Madar
23 Sep. 1990-24 Jan. 1990

Taariikh nololeedkii
ra'iisul wasaare
Cumar Carte Qaalib
12 July 1991-8 March 1993

Taariikh nololeedkii
ra'iisul wasaare
Cali Khaliif Galeyr
8 Okt. 2000-28 Okt. 2002
Taariikh nololeedkii
ra'iisul wasaare
Osman Jama Aali "Kalluun"
28 Okt. 2002-12 Nov. 2002

Taariikh nololeedkii
ra'iisul wasaare
Xassan Abshir Faarax
12 Nov. 2002-8 Nov. 2004




Halkan ka daawo "Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar" 
Farsamadii Xildhiban Publications


Forwarded Message -----
From: Truesomali <xildhiban@yahoo.co.uk>
To: Arthur Rhodes <rhodes.arthur@gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, 21 April 2011, 0:35

Subject: As agrees here the following are my response to your questions.
Hello Mr. Arthur Rhodes.

It was a great pleasure speaking to you. As agrees here the following are my response to your questions.
As you have stated you are making case against  3 Somali officials, out of there three the only person I know is Gen. Mohammed Ali Samanter, who used to be Vice President of Somalia and minister of defence and then Somali Prime minister. (Check the sequence of this).
Many people whom I have interviewed or met personally believes that Gen. Samanter is a national hero, who has served his nation with fairness., dignity and integrity and I feel very sorry for your organization because you are not pursuing the right person. 
Perhaps some people have twisted and distorted reality or those who are making allegations against him doing this for their own self-serving purposes.
Numerous Somalis believes that he is being targeted for what he represents as the embodiment of the Somali State and nation; - A great military strategist who masterminded the defeat of the Ethiopian occupation forces in 1977 war, he rises head and shoulders above all his colleagues in the successive governments of Mohammed Siad Barre in terms of patriotism, probity, integrity and vision. As long as his around, he would keep alive the soul of Somalia and enliven the nostalgia for our glorious golden era and could act as a force for the revival of our country.
That is why he is the secessionists' number one target. Since they cannot have him dead, their second best chance or course of action is what they are doing now: humiliate him and drag him in front of a court and hope they get him behind bars.
The result of their action will be to encourage other clans and regions in the north they wronged to take legal action against the former Somali National Movement "SNM" leaders as well as the bunch who rule now rule Somaliland.
For more information please see my books "The architects of the destruction of Somalia"  published 2010 and  "Rulers and Leaders of Somalia"that is going to be published in 2011. Those book gives a full details of Data Collection about the highest ranked Somali Civil Servants from 1954-2011. The book documents the data in a chronological way like (who was who in Somalia for the past half a century).
Abdulaziz Ali Ibrahim “Xildhiban”;-
Writer and Commentator of the Somali politics.

From: Arthur Rhodes <rhodes.arthur@gmail.com>
To: Truesomali <xildhiban@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Thu, 14 April, 2011 17:25:43
Subject: Follow up

Hello Mr Xidhiban:

It was a please speaking with you today. I wanted to follow up to our conversation with a few quick questions, as you suggested.

As you know, we are pursuing a civil case here in the US against Ali Samantar. That case is currently proceeding and should go to trial sometime in the next year. We are also pursuing similar cases against two more former members of the Siad Barre military and security apparatus: 1) Col Abdi Magan, who was head of investigations at one point for the NSS; 2) Col Yusuf Abdi Ali (aka Tokeh) who was head of the 5th Battalion, stationed in Gebiley. 

All three cases have been filed, however, we continue our investigation into each, so that we can build as strong a case as possible. We believe that cases like these give victims a chance to tell their stories and seek redress for the crimes committed against them. We also believe that these cases provide a forum in which communities have a chance to recount a history that might otherwise be lost. With each of our cases, we not only attempt to bring human rights abusers to justice, but we also try to shed light on some of histories darker periods. Our belief is that reconciliation and healing only begin when the whole truth is known.

With that thought in mind, we are attempting to build cases against the three individuals I named above. Most importantly in these cases we are trying to tell the story of how the security service worked in these places. Who gave orders. What was the purpose of groups like the NSS and the Red Berets. How did the mobile courts function and why were they established. Why were so many people victims of indiscriminate killing and torture and displacement. 

For each of our cases we are looking for people who can help tell these stories. 
  1. We would like to speak with former members of the NSS--especially any involved in the Mogadishu headquarters, and any who may have worked for the investigations branch of the NSS
  2. We would like to speak with former military officers--especially anyone who may have had direct contact with Ali Samantar
  3. Also, anyone who may have worked for the 5th Battalion or had contact with Col Tokeh
  4. We are also looking for anyone who may have been imprisoned by the NSS in the NSS headquarters in Mogadishu--especially between the period of Nov 1988 and March 1989
  5. Anyone with a credible level of expertise on the structure and inner-workings of the NSS and Somali Military 

I am sure there is more, but that is already a very tall order. Please let me know when you might have time to talk about these things. 

Again, I greatly appreciate your willingness to help us with our work.

All best,

Arthur Rhodes
Arthur Rhodes
Int'l: +1.323.513.3077
Skype: arthur.rhodes05


Sahro Max'ed Cali Samatar
Hadalkii ay u jeedisay jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan dalka Mareykanka

Fadlan daawo Muuqaalka & codka been auurka ah ee la isa saaray Gen. Max'ed Nuur Galaal ee dacwadda S/Gaas Cali Samatar

Si aad xaqiiqada u ogaato daawo Video-gan Eng. Cusmaan Jaamac Cali ka hadlayo wixii ka dhacay Soomaaliya

Qeybtii 1aad dood ku saabsan
Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar

Qeybtii 2aad dood ku saabsan
Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar

Qeybtii 3aad dood ku saabsan
Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar

Qeybtii 4aad dood ku saabsan
Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar

Qeybtii 5aad dood ku saabsan
Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar

Qeybtii 6aad dood ku saabsan
Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar

Qeybtii 7aad dood ku saabsan
Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar

Qeybtii 8aad dood ku saabsan
Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar

Qeybtii 9aad dood ku saabsan
Dacwadda la sheegay in loo heysto S/Guud Max'ed Cali Samatar



Hadalkii C/casiis "Xildhiban" ka jeediyay kulankii looga hadlayay maamul u sameynta gobollada Jubbooyinka & Dacwadda Max'ed Cali Samatar



Xubnihii Golaha Sare ee Kacaanka ee hoggaaminayay inqilaabkii aan
dhiiggu ku daadan ee Soomaaliya ka curtay
21kii Oktoobar sanadkii 1969kii.



Waxay kuu dhigeen ma kugu dhaqeen

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Abwaano & Fanaan ka hadlaya taariikh nololeedkii Cabdulle Raage Taraawiil

Kulankii Qoreyaasha Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Sweden

Taariikh nololeedkii Madaxweyne Aadan Cabdulle Cusmaan 1 1 July 1960-1967

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10 July 1967-1969

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Madaxweynihii KMG
Sh. Muqtaar Max'ed Xussein
16-21 Okt. 1969

Taariikh nololeedkii Madaxweyne S/Gaas Max'ed Siyaad Barre 21 Okt. 969-1990

C/casiis magaalada Muqdisho

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